Upcoming events
Nuclear Seminar - Pavol Bartoš (6.12.2023)30. 11. 2023
Wednesday 6.12.2023 at 14:00, Lecrure room F1/364
Doctoral colloquium - Štefan Pócoš (4.12.2023) 29. 11. 2023
Monday 4.12.2023 at 13:10, Lecture room I/9
Algebraic Graph Theory Seminar - Pavol Kollár (1.12.2023) 28. 11. 2023
Friday 1.12.2023 at 13:00, Lecture room M/VIII (online too)
Seminar on Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations -...23. 11. 2023
Thursday 30.11.2023 at 14:00, Lecture room M 223
Seminar of Graph Theory - Jozef Širáň (30.11.2023)28. 11. 2023
Thursday 30.11.2023 at 9:50 hod., Lecture room C
Seminar of Plasma Physics - Sandra Ďurčányová, Ali Jamaati...28. 11. 2023
Thursday 30.11.2023 at 14:00, Lecture rook F2/51
Doctoral colloquium - Dominika Mihálová (27.11.2023) 22. 11. 2023
Monday 27.11.2023 at 13:10, Lecture room I/9
Seminar of Plasma Physics - Martin Kuťka (23.11.2023)21. 11. 2023
Thursday 23.11.2023 at 14:00, Lecture rook F2/51
Doctoral colloquium - Jozef Kubík (20.11.2023) 17. 11. 2023
Monday 20.11.2023 at 13:10, Lecture room I/9
Seminar of Plasma Physics - Emanuel Maťaš (16.11.2023)15. 11. 2023
Thursday 16.11.2023 at 14:00, Lecture rook F2/51