Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Meteoroids 2019


Medzinárodná astronomická konferencia Meteoroids 2019 sa konala v Hoteli Tatra v Bratislave od 17. do 21. júna 2019.

Meteoroids 2019 bola 10. konferencia zo série podujatí zameraných na výskum meteorov, meteoroidov, meteoritov, medziplanetárneho prachu a súvisiacich oblastí, ktorá bola zahájená v roku 1992. Predchádzajúca konferencia Meteoroids 2016 sa konala v stredisku ESTEC, Noordwijk v Holandsku.

Konferencia bola venovaná pionierskej bratislavskej skupine vedcov z Oddelenia medziplanetárnej hmoty na Astronomickom ústave Slovenskej akadémie vied, konkrétne jednému z jej členov prof. Vladimírovi Porubčanovi, ktorý je aj zakladajúcim členom série konferencií Meteoroids.

Konferenciu Meteoroids2019 organizovalo Oddelenie Astronómie a astrofyziky FMFI UK v spolupráci s kolegami z Astronomického ústavu SAV.


Vzhľadom na medzinárodnú povahu konferencie sú všetky informácie dostupné a udržiavané iba v anglickej verzii stránky.

Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Vzhľadom na medzinárodnú povahu konferencie sú všetky informácie dostupné a udržiavané iba v anglickej verzii stránky.

Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Misc information

Misc information

Vzhľadom na medzinárodnú povahu konferencie sú všetky informácie dostupné a udržiavané iba v anglickej verzii stránky.

Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Vzhľadom na medzinárodnú povahu konferencie sú všetky informácie dostupné a udržiavané iba v anglickej verzii stránky.

Ďakujeme za pochopenie.



(Please redistribute to anyone you think may be interested)

December 12, 2018


Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992.

The Meteoroids 2019 will take place at the Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019, starting by welcome party on Sunday evening June 16, 2019 in Hotel Tatra.


The SOC defined the following sessions:

1. Meteoroid Sources

2. Composition and Physical Properties

3. Dynamical Evolution

4. (Exo-) Zodiacal dust

5. Meteor Physics

6. Influx of Interstellar Matter

7. Meteorite Recoveries

8. Planetary Defense

9. In-situ Experiments and Spacecraft Anomalies

10. Meteoroid Impact Physics

11. Future Methods and Techniques



The early registration with reduced fee is now available until March 31, 2019. The final registration deadline is May 1, 2019.

The registration types are as follows:

370 € - standard early registration

320 € - discounted early registration *

420 € - standard late registration

370 € - discounted late registration *

* Discounted registration fee is only available to invited speakers, PhD students, amateurs and accompanying persons.

The registration fee is increased by 50 € during the late registration period (see important dates below).

Conference fee should be paid via international bank transfer to the following bank account:

Bank name: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.

Account name: AGO Modra


IBAN account number: SK50 0900 0000 0051 3773 4083

Payment description: meteoroids + [participant's name]

Note that the registration is accepted only after the payment.

The following items are provided within conference fee: welcome drink (Sunday evening), access to conference sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches (Monday-Friday), excursion/trip (Wednesday) and social dinner (Wednesday).



You can now submit your abstract and choose preferred presentation type (oral/poster) on the conference web page, the final decision on acceptance will be made by SOC. We are happy to announce that the head of SOC Dr. Diego Janches and the Editor in-Chief Dr. Angelo Pio Rossi arranged the possibility to publish the conference contributions in a special issue of Planetary and Space Science journal. The expected deadline for paper delivery is September 2019.



Local organizers would like to kindly notify that the accommodation is not arranged by conference organizers and is therefore completely within participant's responsibility. However, LOC encourages participants to take advantage of the accommodation within the conference venue - Hotel Tatra. The hotel created special discounted accommodation offer for conference participants:

Promo code: METEO (should be communicated upon booking and will be valid after registration and payment of registration fee)

Single room price (per night): 65€, Double room price (per night): 83€

In general, prices for hotels might be substantially higher in Bratislava in June.



LOC arranged the trip by boat on the Danube river with the visit of Devin castle. After the trip, the conference dinner will be held in Hotel Tatra for all participants and spouses.



12 December 2018 Second announcement including conference sessions/Details of registration/Registration and Abstract submission opens

31 March 2018 Early registration deadline

1 May 2018 Final registration deadline

1 May 2019 Abstract submission deadline

1 June 2019 Conference program ready

16 June 2019 Sunday evening welcome party

17 June 2019 Conference start

21 June 2019 Conference end

September 2019 Plan to deliver papers for special issue of PSS


More detailed information will be provided in next circulars or on the web page of the conference: meteoroids2019.uniba.sk.


We are looking forward to seeing you in Bratislava!

The Local Organizing Committee


The conference will accommodate a broad range of scientific topics of meteoroid research, including: 


  • Observational techniques and meteor detection programs 
  • Dynamics of meteoroids in the Solar System. 
  • Formation and evolution of meteoroid streams. 
  • Meteor shower activity and forecasting 
  • Physical and chemical properties of meteoroids. 
  • Meteoroids sources and their parent bodies. 
  • Interrelationships: meteoroids – IDPs – dust - micrometeorites-meteorites  
  • Meteoroid flux on Earth and other planetary atmospheres 
  • Impact hazard on the Earth and spacecrafts 
  • Hypervelocity impacts on the Moon and other Solar System airless bodies 
  • Dynamics of meteoroid flight in the atmosphere. 
  • From meteoroids to meteorites and airbursts 
  • Meteor studies in astrobiology: organics and delivery process 
  • Space missions to parent bodies of meteoroids (Rosetta, Osiris-Rex, Hayabusa-2, Destiny+, Lucy, Hera, AIDA, ...) 
  • Meteoroids in exo-planetary systems and exo-zodiacal dust 


Present Important Dates: 


First announcement: 17 August 2018

Second announcement including conference sessions: 30 October 2018

Registration and Abstract submission opens: 15 November 2018 

Registration and Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2019

Conference program ready: 1 May 2019

Conference start: 17 June 2019

Conference end: 21 June 2019

Plan to deliver papers: September 2019
More detailed information will be provided in a second circular. In addition, updates will be regularly posted on the conference web site
Contact: toth@fmph.uniba.sk  
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bratislava!