Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

FMPHI participates in the Extrapolacie event

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of informatics in Slovakia the history of Slovak computer science will be presented and its future discussed together with the presentation of current research, studies and production in computer science and information technologies, and near-future prospects in order to motivate young people to study and work in this area. The event furthers the successful Extrapolácie 2015 event in Košice and debate on computer science in all its dimensions.

02. 10. 2016 20.35 hod.
By: Tomáš Vinař

FMPHI is a co-organizer of the event and contributes with a lecture and public presentation. On October 4th a lecture  by Dr. Andrej Lúčny  from the Dpt. of Applied Informatics will be held at 10 a.m. in the lecture room C  of the faculty, named  ” Can a robot see itself in a mirror? ”  The research team of the Dpt. of Applied Informatics and the  staff  of the Photoneo company will promote a unique device for scanning faces on October 15th – 16th at Bory Mall. The visitors may have the 3D models of their faces made and carried on USB.    

More information: www.extrapolacie2016.sk