Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

FMPI students successful at the IMC contest in Blagoevgrad

Four FMPI students led by Martin Niepel succeeded at the International Mathematics Competition in Bulgaria held from July 30 to August 6, 2017

22. 08. 2017 21.01 hod.
By: Kristína Rostás

International Mathematics Competition took place in Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria) from July 30 till August 6, 2017. FMPI was represented by a team of four students led by Martin Niepel who was also a jury member at the IMC contest.

In the assessment of the participating universities, FMPI attained 25/26th position, the FMPI students achieving as follows:

First Prize (20th position, 69 points): Martin Vodička
Third Prize (171th - 177th position, 27 points): Peter Sukeník 
Third Prize (210th - 217th position, 22 points): Nina Hronkovičová 
Honorary mention (277th – 281th position, 11 points): Simona Veselá

331 undergraduates from 71 universities took part in the competition. The results can be found at http://imc-math.ddns.net/ and later at http://www.imc-math.org.uk/.