Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Solar physics

Research of the Solar physics is mainly oriented on study and diagnostics of non-thermal distributions in coronal plasma and transition area dynamical processes in the Solar atmosphere and eruptions. Theoretical analysis of non-thermal electron distributions and non-thermal electrons effects on ionization and excitation equilibrium in the solar corona showed, that non-thermal distributions are important and affects the intensity of spectral lines. That allows proposing methods to identify the type of distribution. Diagnostic methods developed by Dzifcakova, E. (from 1995) and Kulinova, A. enable to prove presence of non-thermal electrons, which are present during magnetic reconnection during solar eruption and are spreading along magnetic lines. Also there is a big concern in solar eruption, during which great amount of energy is released as it is proposed because of dissipation of magnetic field. The team is using data from chromospheric telescope at AGO and data from satellites SOHO, TRACE, RHESSI. Data and its interpretation could help to explain the mechanism of eruption progress and maybe its forecast. In addition to H-alpha sun observation there is a plan to extend it in Ca line data to fully cover the chromosphere events.