- UK Bratislava - Main webpage of the Comenius University (CU), Bratislava
- FMFI UK Bratislava - Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (FMPI)
- SAV - Slovak academy of sciences (SAS)
- Astr. ústav SAV - Astronomical Institute SAS, Tatranská Lomnica
- Astr. ústav AVČR - Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague
- Astr. ústav MFF UK - Astronomical Institute, Academy of sciences of the Czech republic
- IAU - International Astronomical Union
- NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- STScI - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- JPL - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- AAS - American astronomical society
International Astronomy
Online astronomical journals
- APOD - Astronomical picture of the day
- IAN - Instant astronomical newspaper
- Astronomical Journal - The Astronomical journal, The University of Chicago Press
- Astrophysical journal - The Astrophysical journal, The University of Chicago Press
- S&T - Sky and telescope
Other sources
- S&T zdroje - S&T astro resources
- Astroweb - Astroweb database at STScI
- ADSAbs - Astrophysics data system abstracts service
- NASA TV - Live coverage of space missions