Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Next Meteoroids conference

The Next Meteoroids Conference

Dear members of the IAU Commission F1,

With Meteoroids 2019 around the corner, it is time to start thinking on the organization of Meteoroids 2022. For those who are interested in organizing the next conference, please send me a note of intent (NOI) to propose during the 2019 conference in June. The NOI should have a tentative location, dates and chair of the Local Organizing Committee. According to the amount of NOIs we will receive, we will organize time during the conference for a short (5 minutes) presentation during the business meeting at Meteoroids 2019 conferences. The Organizing Committee of the Commission F1 will then vote and announce the next conference at the end of the meeting.


Diego Janches

President of Commission F1