Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava

Meteoroids 2019

Meteoroids 2019 took place in Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019.
Meteoroids 2019 was the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The previous meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference was dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference was organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS.

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output><output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output><output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output><output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS.


<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output><output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS. </output><output>

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS.


<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS.

<output>We are pleased to announce that Meteoroids 2019 will take place at Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019. 
Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992. The last meeting, Meteoroids 2016 was held in ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The conference will be dedicated to the pioneering Interplanetary Matter Bratislava group of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, in particular to one of its members, Prof. Vladimír Porubčan, who is one of the founders of the Meteoroids conference series. The conference is being organized by Comenius University in Bratislava and its department of Astronomy and Astrophysics with the participation of colleagues from the Astronomical Institute of the SAS.

Call for manuscripts for "Meteoroids, Meteors and Small bodies in the Solar System", a special issue of P&SS

Call for manuscripts for "Meteoroids, Meteors and Small bodies in the Solar System", a special issue for the Meteoroids 2019 Conference to be published in Planetary and Space Science (PSS).

The EVISE® submission system is now ready for article submission. All manuscripts need to be uploaded through the EVISE system; do not send them to email addresses of the guest editors. The length of manuscripts is not determined, the review process might lead to shortening lengthy contributions. The call for this special issue for Meteoroids 2019 is open to oral, poster or any other related papers.

Instructions for submission:

 *   The submission website for this journal is located at: https://www.evise.com/profile/api/navigate/PSS

 *   Log-in or register on the site.

 *   To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion in the special issue it is important that authors select the name of the special issue when they upload their manuscripts: VSI:Meteoroids 2019

 *   Select article type: Short Communication, Research Paper or Review Article


The timeline for manuscript submission is listed below:

Submission opening date, 2nd September, 2019. A link to the submission page was provided above.

Submission deadline is 1st November, 2019, the date by which all papers should be submitted to the Guest Editors for review and the submission site will be closed.

• Acceptance deadline is 30th May, 2020, the date by which all manuscripts should be fully reviewed and final decisions made on all manuscripts; those that fail to meet the deadline may be excluded.


EVISE® Training Resources:

Elsevier has developed an e-learning platform for EVISE®. Accessible online 24/7, the e-learning tool includes self-paced tutorials and exercises that allow each user to learn how to use EVISE® for their role. Click to visit the EVISE E-learning<http://www.evise.com/elearning/standalone.html>.

Once logged on to EVISE®, the e-learning platform can be accessed anytime by clicking the ‘Help’ link in EVISE®. 


For further assistance, please visit our customer support site at http://help.elsevier.com/app/answers/list/p/9435/. Here you will find our 24/7 support contact details should you need any further assistance from one of our customer support representatives.

Guest Editors

Diego Janches, Juraj Toth, Maria Hadjukova, Althea Moorhead, Robert Jedicke and Quan-Zhi Ye

Meteoroids book - order with 20% discount

Please use the following link to order Meteoroids book (to be published in September 2019) including 20% discount as announced during the conference.

1st Meteoroids video footage, Smolenice, Slovakia, July 1992

Historical footage from the 1st Meteoroids conference held in Smolenice, Slovakia in July 1992 can be found on this link.

Conference photos available

We have published all the photos from Meteoroids conference.

Complete photostream of all photos is available here:






For easier orientation, individual days are also divided into separate albums as follows:

Sunday, 16 June: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwFBUu

Monday, 17 June: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwHipg

Tuesday, 18 June: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwHska

Wednesday, 19 June: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwHaBb

Thursday, 20 June: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwJgsy

Friday, 21 June: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwHttZ


You can still download group photo here in full resolution or HD resolution

The Next Meteoroids Conference

Dear members of the IAU Commission F1,

With Meteoroids 2019 around the corner, it is time to start thinking on the organization of Meteoroids 2022. For those who are interested in organizing the next conference, please send me a note of intent (NOI) to propose during the 2019 conference in June. The NOI should have a tentative location, dates and chair of the Local Organizing Committee. According to the amount of NOIs we will receive, we will organize time during the conference for a short (5 minutes) presentation during the business meeting at Meteoroids 2019 conferences. The Organizing Committee of the Commission F1 will then vote and announce the next conference at the end of the meeting.


Diego Janches

President of Commission F1

Sessions as defined by SOC

The SOC defined the following sessions:

Special invited talk: Astronomers and Astronomy at the Slovak Institutes of Astronomy
Iwan Williams

1. Meteoroid Sources
This session focuses on the study of meteoroid parent bodies and mechanisms by which they produce and release meteoroids.
Possible talk topics: parent body identifications or searches, ground or space-based observations of meteoroid parent bodies, and ejection phenomena such as cometary jets and asteroid spin-up.
Invited talk: Jessica Agarwal (Meteoroid production by Asteroids)

2. Composition and Physical Properties
This session focuses on measurements and models of the physical properties of meteoroids, meteorites, micrometeorites and dust particles.
Possible talk topics: measurements or constraints on meteoroid composition, density, and porosity.
Invited talk: Mathew Genge (Properties of Micrometeorites)

3. Dynamical Evolution
This session focuses on the dynamical evolution of meteoroids and meteoroid streams in space.
Possible talk topics: numerical simulations of meteoroid streams or sporadic sources; studies of radiative forces, collisions, and other dynamical processes; and observational confirmations or contradictions of model predictions.
Invited talk: Auriane Egal (Draconid modeling and forecasting)

4. Dust Particles and Clouds in the Solar System and Beyond
This session focuses on dust particles in the Solar System and stellar systems.
Possible talk topics: observations and simulations (numerical or experimental) of the zodiacal cloud, cometary comae, exo-zodiacal clouds, debris disks, and interstellar dust.
Invited talk: Jérémie Lasue (Zodiacal dust properties inferred from observations)

5. Meteor Physics and Chemistry
This session focuses on the physics of meteoroid flight in the atmosphere, including the delivery or formation of organic material, formation of metallic layers and meteoric smoke.
Possible talk topics: ablation and ionization models or laboratory experiments, the dynamics, fragmentation, and radiation of meteoroids in the atmosphere, and studies of secondary meteor phenomena such as sounds or persistent trains.
Invited talk: Stefan Loehle (Laboratory ablation experiments)

6. Influx of Interplanetary and Interstellar Matter
This session focuses on models, observations, and constraints on shower, sporadic, and interstellar meteoroids and dust.
Possible talk topics:  shower and sporadic flux measurements, shower discoveries, shower outbursts, interstellar meteors, and meteors on other planets.
Invited talk: Maria Hajdukova (Interstellar Meteors)

7. Meteorite Recoveries
This session focuses on bolide detection, meteorite falls, and meteorite recovery.
Possible talk topics: individual meteorite falls, bolide observations, meteorite rates or population studies, and networks and algorithms created to recover meteorites.
Invited talk: Hadrien Devillepoix (Meteorite Recovery with the DFN)

8. Planetary Defense
This session focuses on superbolides, airbursts, craters, and impact hazard mitigation.
Possible talk topics: surveys of superbolides and potentially hazardous asteroids, infrasound or seismic signatures of superbolides, craters produced by large impacts, and effects on the atmosphere.
Invited talk: Lorien Wheeler (Bolide Models)

9. In-situ Experiments and Spacecraft Anomalies
This session focuses on meteoroids striking spacecraft.
Possible talk topics: meteoroid-induced spacecraft anomalies, in-situ experiments, and hypervelocity impact studies on manmade materials.
Invited talk: Althea V. Moorhead (In-situ data and models)

10. Meteoroid Impact Physics
This session focuses on meteoroids striking natural objects.
Possible talk topics: craters, impact flashes, production of secondary debris, and space weathering of airless bodies due to meteoroid activity.
Invited talk: Tomoko Arai (Destiny +)

11. Future Methods and Techniques
This session focuses on recent or planned improvements in meteor measurements, including instrumentation, observations, and data analysis.
Possible talk topics: the establishment of new observational networks, new tools or databases, improvements in trajectory determination algorithms, and novel observational techniques.
Invited talk: Pierre Kokou (Lightning Imager for observing meteors and fireballs)



(Please redistribute to anyone you think may be interested)

December 12, 2018


Meteoroids 2019 will be the tenth international conference in a series of meetings on meteors, meteoroids, meteorites, interplanetary dust, and related topics, which have been held since 1992.

The Meteoroids 2019 will take place at the Hotel Tatra in Bratislava, Slovakia, from June 17 – 21, 2019, starting by welcome party on Sunday evening June 16, 2019 in Hotel Tatra.


The SOC defined the following sessions:

1. Meteoroid Sources

2. Composition and Physical Properties

3. Dynamical Evolution

4. (Exo-) Zodiacal dust

5. Meteor Physics

6. Influx of Interstellar Matter

7. Meteorite Recoveries

8. Planetary Defense

9. In-situ Experiments and Spacecraft Anomalies

10. Meteoroid Impact Physics

11. Future Methods and Techniques



The early registration with reduced fee is now available until March 31, 2019. The final registration deadline is May 1, 2019.

The registration types are as follows:

370 € - standard early registration

320 € - discounted early registration *

420 € - standard late registration

370 € - discounted late registration *

* Discounted registration fee is only available to invited speakers, PhD students, amateurs and accompanying persons.

The registration fee is increased by 50 € during the late registration period (see important dates below).

Conference fee should be paid via international bank transfer to the following bank account:

Bank name: Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s.

Account name: AGO Modra


IBAN account number: SK50 0900 0000 0051 3773 4083

Payment description: meteoroids + [participant's name]

Note that the registration is accepted only after the payment.

The following items are provided within conference fee: welcome drink (Sunday evening), access to conference sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches (Monday-Friday), excursion/trip (Wednesday) and social dinner (Wednesday).



You can now submit your abstract and choose preferred presentation type (oral/poster) on the conference web page, the final decision on acceptance will be made by SOC. We are happy to announce that the head of SOC Dr. Diego Janches and the Editor in-Chief Dr. Angelo Pio Rossi arranged the possibility to publish the conference contributions in a special issue of Planetary and Space Science journal. The expected deadline for paper delivery is September 2019.



Local organizers would like to kindly notify that the accommodation is not arranged by conference organizers and is therefore completely within participant's responsibility. However, LOC encourages participants to take advantage of the accommodation within the conference venue - Hotel Tatra. The hotel created special discounted accommodation offer for conference participants:

Promo code: METEO (should be communicated upon booking and will be valid after registration and payment of registration fee)

Single room price (per night): 65€, Double room price (per night): 83€

In general, prices for hotels might be substantially higher in Bratislava in June.



LOC arranged the trip by boat on the Danube river with the visit of Devin castle. After the trip, the conference dinner will be held in Hotel Tatra for all participants and spouses.



12 December 2018 Second announcement including conference sessions/Details of registration/Registration and Abstract submission opens

31 March 2018 Early registration deadline

1 May 2018 Final registration deadline

1 May 2019 Abstract submission deadline

1 June 2019 Conference program ready

16 June 2019 Sunday evening welcome party

17 June 2019 Conference start

21 June 2019 Conference end

September 2019 Plan to deliver papers for special issue of PSS


More detailed information will be provided in next circulars or on the web page of the conference: meteoroids2019.uniba.sk.


We are looking forward to seeing you in Bratislava!

The Local Organizing Committee


The conference will accommodate a broad range of scientific topics of meteoroid research, including: 


  • Observational techniques and meteor detection programs 
  • Dynamics of meteoroids in the Solar System. 
  • Formation and evolution of meteoroid streams. 
  • Meteor shower activity and forecasting 
  • Physical and chemical properties of meteoroids. 
  • Meteoroids sources and their parent bodies. 
  • Interrelationships: meteoroids – IDPs – dust - micrometeorites-meteorites  
  • Meteoroid flux on Earth and other planetary atmospheres 
  • Impact hazard on the Earth and spacecrafts 
  • Hypervelocity impacts on the Moon and other Solar System airless bodies 
  • Dynamics of meteoroid flight in the atmosphere. 
  • From meteoroids to meteorites and airbursts 
  • Meteor studies in astrobiology: organics and delivery process 
  • Space missions to parent bodies of meteoroids (Rosetta, Osiris-Rex, Hayabusa-2, Destiny+, Lucy, Hera, AIDA, ...) 
  • Meteoroids in exo-planetary systems and exo-zodiacal dust 


Present Important Dates: 


First announcement: 17 August 2018

Second announcement including conference sessions: 30 October 2018

Registration and Abstract submission opens: 15 November 2018 

Registration and Abstract submission deadline: 1 April 2019

Conference program ready: 1 May 2019

Conference start: 17 June 2019

Conference end: 21 June 2019

Plan to deliver papers: September 2019
More detailed information will be provided in a second circular. In addition, updates will be regularly posted on the conference web site
Contact: toth@fmph.uniba.sk  
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bratislava!