Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


The Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2016/2017 26. 07. 2016

19 September 2016 (Monday), 11,00 AM, Assembly Hall, Comenius University, Šafárikovo námestie 6, Bratislava (1st floor)

Physics in fuzzy spaces (26.9.-1.10.2016)22. 09. 2016

School and Workshop on Mathematical Physics, Stará Lesná, Slovakia, 2016, September 26 – October 1

[Translate to English:] Peter Sagan a väzni, Nečakané...27. 07. 2016

[Translate to English:] Fyzik v nás si všimne, že etapy sa akosi často končia špurtom celého štartového poľa a len zriedka sa stane, že o víťazstvo v závere...

Evolution of killer whales is compelled by cultural impact04. 06. 2016

That is the outcome of a study published on May 31st, 2016 in the Nature Communications magazine, which was initiated by Dr. Andrew Foote of the Bern...

Poincaré-Andronov-Melnikov Analysis for Non-Smooth Systems...24. 05. 2016

Poincaré-Andronov-Melnikov Analysis for Non-Smooth Systems is devoted to the study of bifurcations of periodic solutions for general n-dimensional...

[Translate to English:] Rozvoj kompetencií nevidiacich...04. 05. 2018

[Translate to English:] Projekt je zameraný na tvorbu výučbových materiálov z informatiky pre nevidiacich žiakov základných škôl. Tieto materiály budú uložené...

Two awards Scientist of the Year for FMPI15. 05. 2016

Two of five Scientist of the Year awards went to the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in the 19th Science of the Year Contest 2015. The ceremony...

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Physics Classes in...11. 04. 2016

Critical thinking, being a general competency, is usable in different professions and areas of human life. In most professions, the crucial ability is to be...

Astronomical system AMOS from CU in Chile07. 04. 2016

Comenius University astronomers continue the installation of their original astronomical devices in the Atacama desert in Chile, belonging to the dryest places...

A baby´s DNA is hidden in the mother´s blood. What does it...14. 01. 2016

Informatics PhD students at the FMPI, MSc Budiš and MSc Ďuriš, participate in the development of a unique medical test.

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