Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


Seminar of Biophysics - Wolfgang Fritzsche (19.6.2023)18. 06. 2023

Monday 19.6.2023 at 15:30, Lecture room F1 108

Nuclear Seminar - Gennady Kozlov (15.6.2023)11. 06. 2023

Thursday 15.6.2023 at 10:00, Lecture room F1/364

The CRESST Symposium in Bratislava10. 06. 2023

FMPH CU is organizing during 12-15 June 2023 the CRESST Symposium to discuss present status and future plans in the development of the CRESST.

Seminar of Department of Theoretical Physics - Sergei B....08. 06. 2023

Tuesday 13.6.2023 at 14:00, Lecture room M VI

New study on disease defense within ant colonies08. 06. 2023

A cross-disciplinary study on cooperative disease defense in ants has been published in the renowned magazine Nature Communications by researchers from the...

Postdoctoral Position in Discrete Mathematics06. 06. 2023

We are seeking qualified applicants with a PhD in Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics awarded not earlier than in 2018. Application deadline: 25.6.2023

Seminar of Plasma Physics - Mária Maťašová (8.6.2023)05. 06. 2023

Thursday 8.6.2023 at 14:00, Lecture rook F2/51

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar - Marius Kadek (20.6.2023)02. 06. 2023

Tuesday 20.6.2023 at 14:00, Lecture roomi F2 272

Condensed Matter Physics Seminar - Andreas Costa (12.6.2023)02. 06. 2023

Monday 12.6.2023 at 14:00, Lecture room F1 108

Doctoral Positions in Mathematics, Physics and Computer...31. 05. 2023

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia seeks applicants for doctoral program in Mathematics...

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