Faculty of Mathematics, Physics
and Informatics
Comenius University Bratislava


The Spanish king inaugurated the AMOS UK system28. 06. 2015

Bratislava/Teide, Tenerife June 28th, 2015. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of astronomical observatories in the Canary Islands the Spanish king Felipe...

Seven top teams of FMPI24. 06. 2015

In May 2015 the Accreditation committee assessed the pilot project in identification of top teams at Slovak universities. Seven teams of FMPI won the title,...

A unique hydrogen sensor from FMPI21. 05. 2015

The team of the Department of the Experimental Physics led by Prof. Plecenik designed a unique hydrogen sensor applicable not only in the automobile industry....

The Finite-Difference Modelling of Earthquake Motions:...23. 06. 2016

Providing a systematic tutorial introduction to the finite-difference (FD) numerical modelling technique, this book explores its applications to earthquake...

Fukushima Accident: Radioactivity Impact on the Environment...11. 09. 2016

Fukushima Accident presents up-to-date information on radioactivity released to the atmosphere and the ocean after the accident on the Fukushima Dai-ichi...

Design of Experiments in Nonlinear Models: Asymptotic...10. 04. 2013

This book introduce basic concepts and discuss asymptotic properties of estimators in nonlinear models. … a major emphasis of the book is on deriving the...

Explaining Algorithms Using Metaphors / Michal Forišek,...10. 04. 2016

 There is a significant difference between designing a new algorithm, proving its correctness, and teaching it to an audience. When teaching algorithms,...

Bifurcation and Chaos in Discontinuous and Continuous...31. 12. 2011

"Bifurcation and Chaos in Discontinuous and Continuous Systems" provides rigorous mathematical functional-analytical tools for handling chaotic...

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