Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Seminár z kognitívnej vedy - Igor Riečanský (24.11.2015)

v utorok 24.11.2015 o 16:30 hod. v miestnosti I/9

20. 11. 2015 23.25 hod.
Od: Igor Farkaš

Prednášajúci: MUDr. Igor Riečanský, PhD. (Ústav normálnej a patologickej fyziológie SAV v Bratislave & Fakulta psychológie, Viedenská univerzita )

Názov prednášky: Electrophysiological signatures of cognitive processes in the brain

Termín: 24.11.2015, 16:30 hod., miestnosť I/9

Cognitive processes are mediated by fast neuronal processes. Electrophysiological methods allow non-invasive monitoring of fast neural events at millisecond resolution. They provide a method to monitor spatio-temporal neural activation during information processing in the brain. In this presentation, I will discuss general principles, advantages and disadvantages of electroencephalogram (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERP) methodology with those of other neuroimaging techniques for studying cognitive brain processing. I will demonstrate selected examples of applying EEG/ERP methods in cognitive brain research.

Stránka seminára