Fakulta matematiky, fyziky
a informatiky
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave

Seminár z kognitívnej vedy a umelej inteligencie - Mária Markošová (22.3.2016)

v utorok 23.3.2016 o 16:30 hod. v miestnosti I/9

20. 03. 2016 21.50 hod.
Od: Igor Farkaš

Prednášajúci: doc. RNDr. Mária Markošová, CSc. 

Názov: Complex networks research overview

Termín: 23.3.2016, 16:30 hod., I/9


Complex networks research pursued at our department will be reviewed, together with very recent investigations of functional brain networks. Several studies such as network model of human language, hierarchy on the growing networks and connecting nearest neighbors model and its properties will be reviewed. Several models of functional brain networks and their correspondence to the real data will be presented.